Terry Parnell 

Services List

  • Water line repair & replacement
  • Drain line repair & replacement
  • Sump pump & well pump repairs
  • Water pressure issues
  • Leaking pipes
  • Faucet repair & replacement
  • Backflow testing
  • Gas piping
  • Drain cleaning

Residential Plumbing

If your house has a leaky pipe, uses a water heater or has a pool, we have services to fix any problem you can throw our way. 

Plumbing Basics

Sometimes having even a rudimentary understanding of how your home's plumbing works can help you fix simple problems yourself. In this three-part series, get basic info that you can apply to your own home.


You've got a leak? We can fix it.

Parnell Plumbing

Sewer Lines

No one ever said plumbing would always be pretty. If you're having a problem with a city's sewer line, we have connections to help.

Residential and Commercial Plumbing

Commercial Plumbing

Nothing ruins a good day like an overflow or a clogged sink. Don't put yourself out of a day's worth of business with a simple problem. 
